Wednesday, May 27, 2009

There's A Thin LIne Between Love and Hate

As I laid along the sandy beach shore, a song began to play in my head. The song "There's A Thin Line Between Love and Hate" by the Stylistics or maybe it was the Delfonics no no no it was the Stylistics. Feeling all alone I laid and looked at part of the sky, it was so plain and bare but the next part was so full of life. How can something so close can be so far apart?

As I snuggled with my blanket I took a deep breath in for it smelt so full of life. It had Downy mixed in with Gain, so unique. As I closed my eyes and felt the necklace my boyfriend gave me, I thought to myself what exactly is love? How do you know when you are in love? If you love somebody can you truly hate? There's a thin line between love and hate. You love somebody one day then the next day you hate them. But why? Although many young kids think they are in love they truly do not see the truth.

What is love? Love is when you can't go the day without that one person. Knowing you would never be the same. Whenever you are out you can feel the touch of their hands and you can smell their scent from a mile away. When you close your eyes you can once again seen all the memories you have once shared.

What is hate? Hate is when you can not stand that person. You want nothing to do with them. You wish they were gone. So how can you love someone one day and the next day you hate them? Or is it the fact that you hate how much you love that person. Knowing no matter what they did to you, you will always take them back.

Can love be selfishness, maybe you just don't want anyone else to have them. Or maybe you don't want to feel alone. You enjoy the feeling of comfort. Laying in their arms is like laying on the warm beach. You enjoy their voice telling you how much they care for you like no one has before.

As many young teens are in relationships they can never tell the difference between love and lust. As I laid, staring at the stars I thought to myself, is this love, true love. People say I'm too young to know what love is, but not knowing makes everything better. As I turned to my side I then I saw him. He gave me a cute little smile and said what do you see? I said all i see is you and me together forever. As he kissed me he said, through thick and thin is what I promised, I'm never leaving you cause you mean so much to me. As he said I thought I don't know what love is but as long as I'm with him I don't care because with him I'm willing to learn what true love is.

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