Wednesday, May 27, 2009

There's A Thin LIne Between Love and Hate

As I laid along the sandy beach shore, a song began to play in my head. The song "There's A Thin Line Between Love and Hate" by the Stylistics or maybe it was the Delfonics no no no it was the Stylistics. Feeling all alone I laid and looked at part of the sky, it was so plain and bare but the next part was so full of life. How can something so close can be so far apart?

As I snuggled with my blanket I took a deep breath in for it smelt so full of life. It had Downy mixed in with Gain, so unique. As I closed my eyes and felt the necklace my boyfriend gave me, I thought to myself what exactly is love? How do you know when you are in love? If you love somebody can you truly hate? There's a thin line between love and hate. You love somebody one day then the next day you hate them. But why? Although many young kids think they are in love they truly do not see the truth.

What is love? Love is when you can't go the day without that one person. Knowing you would never be the same. Whenever you are out you can feel the touch of their hands and you can smell their scent from a mile away. When you close your eyes you can once again seen all the memories you have once shared.

What is hate? Hate is when you can not stand that person. You want nothing to do with them. You wish they were gone. So how can you love someone one day and the next day you hate them? Or is it the fact that you hate how much you love that person. Knowing no matter what they did to you, you will always take them back.

Can love be selfishness, maybe you just don't want anyone else to have them. Or maybe you don't want to feel alone. You enjoy the feeling of comfort. Laying in their arms is like laying on the warm beach. You enjoy their voice telling you how much they care for you like no one has before.

As many young teens are in relationships they can never tell the difference between love and lust. As I laid, staring at the stars I thought to myself, is this love, true love. People say I'm too young to know what love is, but not knowing makes everything better. As I turned to my side I then I saw him. He gave me a cute little smile and said what do you see? I said all i see is you and me together forever. As he kissed me he said, through thick and thin is what I promised, I'm never leaving you cause you mean so much to me. As he said I thought I don't know what love is but as long as I'm with him I don't care because with him I'm willing to learn what true love is.


As I looked around all I see are lights passing by. There are two rows of chairs and two chairs in each row. Up above are small screens were movies just come out of. As i look to my right i see many of my classmates and their bus buddies. The night was as still as a painting resting on the wall. As i looked down i see the black floor. Sticky, knowing someone spilled something. There was a bathroom in the back and in the bathroom you have a sink, toilet, paper,etc. The bar on the toilet was broken and the sink had a drip. As I continued to lay down i looked at the chair filled with joy and happiness. I see that the chairs had a small tear. Also every chair had a different designs. As I laid i started to fill with sadness thinking about my friends and how we would soon be apart. Especially my best friend. As i laid on him i looked up. As I looked into his brown eyes I felt comfort and joy. As we looked at each other it then happen. Something I would have never thought. As I felt his soft lips brush against mine I was filled with joy and happiness. I felt like I was unbeatable and nothing could happen. All this happen under the stars reflection off the window.


Donuts the shape of a circle, like ring, never ending.As I sat on the itchy grass eating my powdered doughnut I thought to myself. Is life never ending? Is life like this doughnuts? Does life never end? Then as i took another bite i hear a noise. As if someone was playing on the swing. Before my eyes I saw my friend Ericka. She was swinging as happy as can be. I could smell the scent of clothes for she always used downy. In another blink she was gone. She had died many years ago in a car accident. Then i knew life was like a doughnuts circular, round,and enjoyable while you have it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This project was not that big of a challenge. Because I love to cook I found it easy to follow a simple recipe. I feel like the main challenge was planting the herbs. Because I was in charge of taking the plants home I feel really bad that I was not able to keep the herbs alive. It was not because I neglected them but because I did not see the bugs in them. There was these Bugs that have dug into the soil and killed some of the herbs. About time I realized them it was too late. I took the plants that were still alive by the root and resoiled them. But sadly the Limon Basil did not make it. Besides that I really had a fun time doing this whole project.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Presto Pesto!

Do you want to know how to make a pretty mean dish of Pesto? Well today is your lucky day! Just follow the simple instructions:

Okay you will need:
  • 1/4 cup walnuts
  • 1/4 cup pignoli (pine nuts)
  • 3 tablespoons chopped garlic (9 cloves)
  • 5 cups fresh basil leaves, packed
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups good olive oil
  • 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan

Okay start of with any noodles you want. I prefer to mix match add a little flavor.

Get a good size pot, and fill it with water remember your going to boil your noodles.

Once your done it should be more than half way full.

You must, I mean you have to wait till the water boils! It's a must!

Just let the noodles slide in. Let them cook for about 11 minutes.

While the noodles are boiling you should cut the garlic,walnuts, and pine nuts. Make sure you have the correct measurements. Get the salt, pepper, basil and oil ready.

But the chopped garlic, pine nuts, and walnuts in the food processor.
Once you put everything in food processor don't forget to turn it on. It's a big factor.

Be sure to keep the processor it on for about 15 seconds. It should look like this.

Don't forget about the noodles! Once they are done be sure to drain the from the water.

Once the noodles are drain be sure to put the in a bowl.

Once you put the noodles in a bowls add a little flavor. My choice is a little oil and some cheese.

Be sure to mix it in I personally love to have a little fun.
Once your done with the noodles, add the salt and pepper to the food.

Once you add the salt and pepper don't forget put the oil and basil in!

Now it is important to add the cheese.

Okay now turn the processor on. You HAVE to turn it on its a must.

Keep the processor on for about 15 seconds.

Now once the blending is done the sauce should look like this.
Now you can put the two noodles together so people can choice what they want.

Pour the Pesto into a bowl big enough for it.

Let the people decide how much they want to use.

FINAL step! This is the most important step you must, I mean u HAVE to eat it. Trust me it is worth all the carbs your going to get.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

This I believe

The past week I have had many inspirational moments. I have read many essay from addictions to afterlife to holocaust and many more. During school our teacher, Mrs. Charlotte, showed us a website called This I believe. This website contains many formative essays. These essay are written from various people of various races and age. Even though our teacher only showed us three I became inspired to read more. It was truly a challenge to pick the top three,but I came to a conclusion of my favorite three stories.

A great essay that I read was written by Elie Wiesel, God Is God Because He Remembers.
I liked this story because he talks about when people endure significant moments in our lives we feel like we need to share them.

Another essay that I read was written by Annie, A Real Life Well Measured. I really liked this story because she talks about her mothers care. She tells us how her mother didn't leave them much but what she did leave them was a lifetime of memories that no money can buy. I also really like this essay because it talks about how true love can never be bought.

Through all these great essay my favorite essay was written by Ann Karasinski, There Is No Blame, There Is Only Love. This essay truly inspired me in many different ways. Even though I am not a mother I can feel the same pain this lady felt. This story has opened my eyes to the world around us and how many families this drug has destroyed. Also that this essay again shows how powerful love can be. Here's her essay!

There Is No Blame, There Is Only Love.

You don't expect your child to grow up to be a heroin addict. From the moment of her birth, you have hopes and dreams about the future, but they never include heroin addiction. That couldn't happen to your child, because addiction is the result of a bad environment, bad parenting. There is most definitely someone or something to blame.

That's what I used to believe. But after failed rehab and long periods of separation from my heroin-addicted daughter, after years of holding my breath, waiting for another relapse, I now believe there is no blame.

After Katie admitted her addiction, I struggled to understand how this could have happened to my daughter — a bright, beautiful, talented and most importantly, loved young woman. When the initial shock wore off, I analyzed and inventoried all the whys and hows of Katie's addiction. I searched for someone or something to blame. I blamed her friends. I blamed her dad. I blamed our divorce. But mostly, I blamed myself. My desperate heart convinced me that I should have prevented Katie's addiction, and that given another chance, I could correct my mistakes.

When Katie came home from rehab, I approached each day with the zeal of a drill sergeant. I championed the 12-step program and monitored her improvement daily as though curing heroin addiction was as simple as nursing a cold. I drove her to therapy sessions and AA meetings. I controlled everything and left nothing to chance. But in spite of my efforts, Katie didn't get better. She left my home, lost again to the powerful grip of addiction.

In the long days, weeks and months that followed, I gathered bits and pieces of old beliefs and tried to assemble them into something whole. Sometimes I gave up, and sometimes I simply let go. Gradually, my search for blame changed to a longing for hope. I comforted myself with the only thing that still connected me to my daughter: love.

I thought about Katie every day, and I missed her. I cried, and worried about her safety and whereabouts. I wrote letters I knew she'd never see. Sometimes I woke up panicked in the middle of the night, certain that my mother's intuition was preparing me for something bad. But through it all, I loved her.

I don't know why or how my daughter became addicted to heroin; I do know that it doesn't really matter. Life goes on, and Katie is still my daughter.

Katie and I meet for breakfast on Friday mornings now. We drink coffee and talk. I don't try to heal her. I just love her. Sometimes there is pain and sorrow, but there is no blame. I believe there is only love.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


The pioneer women was a true inspiration. She uses many pictures of her creations step by step. Also she uses comedy and a has an great organization. I loved how everything was in order and she made me want to post blogs the way she does.

I also really liked this cooking blog post. I really like this post not becasu of the writting but because of her picture. Her/his main picture just drew my eyes. She/he used a pictured that made the cooking actually look like the "perfect" guacamole.