Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This project was not that big of a challenge. Because I love to cook I found it easy to follow a simple recipe. I feel like the main challenge was planting the herbs. Because I was in charge of taking the plants home I feel really bad that I was not able to keep the herbs alive. It was not because I neglected them but because I did not see the bugs in them. There was these Bugs that have dug into the soil and killed some of the herbs. About time I realized them it was too late. I took the plants that were still alive by the root and resoiled them. But sadly the Limon Basil did not make it. Besides that I really had a fun time doing this whole project.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel so bad Sonora. You had a big responsibility in taking care of all of the plants. I think you did wonderful.
