Wednesday, May 27, 2009


As I looked around all I see are lights passing by. There are two rows of chairs and two chairs in each row. Up above are small screens were movies just come out of. As i look to my right i see many of my classmates and their bus buddies. The night was as still as a painting resting on the wall. As i looked down i see the black floor. Sticky, knowing someone spilled something. There was a bathroom in the back and in the bathroom you have a sink, toilet, paper,etc. The bar on the toilet was broken and the sink had a drip. As I continued to lay down i looked at the chair filled with joy and happiness. I see that the chairs had a small tear. Also every chair had a different designs. As I laid i started to fill with sadness thinking about my friends and how we would soon be apart. Especially my best friend. As i laid on him i looked up. As I looked into his brown eyes I felt comfort and joy. As we looked at each other it then happen. Something I would have never thought. As I felt his soft lips brush against mine I was filled with joy and happiness. I felt like I was unbeatable and nothing could happen. All this happen under the stars reflection off the window.

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