Monday, March 2, 2009


1)How is Ishmael using the word anthropomorphism in the text on page 82?
I think that he is trying to say that we see ourselves as the powerful species. That we see ourselves better and more useful than any other species because of our ability to adapt to the world. Also that we are in charge of the world an that the species should obey us. That if you don't do things our way then you are threat to us.

2)In this chapter Ishmael leads us through the evolution of the Awks on planet Calliope. They start out as Awks and then some evolve into Bawks and then a few evolve into Cawks. These Cawks live in tribes and have a cultural heritage. They practice the strategy of ‘Erratic Retaliation’.

PART A:How does Ishmael define ‘Erratic Retaliation’? How does it work in the case of then Cawk's?

He defines it basically as a peace system for the Cawk's. That they keep justice between two people instead of having the tribes get into a war. They also do it so that the people get what they deserve but not to the point where a group becomes extinguish.

PART B: Why is Erratic Retaliation a peacekeeping method?

Because it allows the Caw's to control the dispute with their methods. By doing that it will resolve the killing and destroying of of things.

PART C: Why don’t the Cawk's just annihilate each other (instead of just doing the occasional attacks?

Because they cannot annihilate each other. If they did then their race would soon come to a complete stop. Instead they need to keep others around and be able to mate and keep their family name alive


  1. I like what you said in the first question about how we think we are the best.

  2. I liked the way in the first question you talked about how we view them as a threat if they do not side with us, even if we are much more powerful then them.
