Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Ishmael

1. What are Ishmael’s two general rules on how to identify people from our culture? Do you agree with Ishmael when he says that people from all over the world are part of the same culture? Why or why not?
-"You'll know you're among the people of your culture if the food is all owned, if it's all under lock and key." and the other one is: "They perceive themselves to be members of a race that is fundamentally flawed and inherently doomed to suffering and misery. Because they're fundamentally flawed, they expect wisdom to be a rare commodity, difficult to acquire. Because they're inherently doomed, they're not surprised to be living in the midst of poverty, injustice, and crime, not surprised that their rules are self- serving and corrupt,not surprised to be rendering the world uninhabitable for themselves. They may be indignant about these thing but they're not surprised by them, because this is how they expect things to be. This make as much sense to them as having their food under lock and key."
--Yes, I do agree with Ishmael for a simple reason. That reason is that everyone on this planet does what he or she needs to do to survive. We are all part of the same culture on that part. No matter how different we may act or look we all end up coming out to do the same actions. We do what is necessary to survive on this planet even if it means "taking" instead of "leaving".

2. Ishmael disagrees with Mother Culture’s voice that says that humans are inherently flawed. After reading through page 66 of My Ishmael do agree or disagree with him? Why?
--I can not say that I agree but then again I can not say that I disagree. Ishmael states that humans are not inherently flawed, while Mother Culture says we are. I agree with Ishmael because most of the time when we do things wrong we know that what we do is wrong. So it is not that fact that we are born flawed but the fact that we were born into flawed ways. When Mother Culter's say we are born flawed leads back to the takers and leavers. While one groups continues to take and grows stronger then the other group that leaves remains hidden and weak. Our flaws have overtaken us and all that we were meant to become. Which leads that one person has lead us to become inherently flawed.

3. Ishmael uses a parable of Tunes and Dancers to explain his idea of Takers and Leavers. Who are these Takers and Leavers and how do they relate to American culture?
--This story relates to the American culture in a big way, a way that states we are the takers. While we continue to grow stronger the others around us continue to grow weaker. As we conquer others around us because our weapons are so advanced then we clearly win. We take more than what is needed and leaves others with nothing. To us the American way is the "right" way to live.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sustainablity in our Society

1)What does it mean to live sustainably?

-Well first i would like to know what sustainable means.

-to support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure.

Now that we figured out what it means i would like to touch on that a little. I think tha living sustainably can very in many different ways. To me I think to livve sustainable is to live happy. Having a good home to live in. Also to have food, clothes, etc. Another big thing that i would considered to have sustainable living is to trake care of the environment around us;recycle, reuse, stop driving, etc.

2)How much freedom and independence do you have as a 14-16 year old in our society?

-Well, I have to say as a 14 year old myself that I do get freedom but not a lot. Just because I am so young Then my parents think that i am under peer pressure. Also they think that "bad" things can happen to me. But also this answer can very in many different ways. It all depends on their parents. Some parenst are very strict and let the kids do little things without them being there while other parents are more open and let their kids have more freedom.

3)As a 14-16 year old, how can you currently live your life more sustainably?

-As a 14 year old you kan do many different things like riding bikes instead of having our parents take us everywhere, doing thing the day theu are assigned instead of waiting to the last minute and building up stress, etc. Another big thing that you could do is put things in the right bens, turn off your straightners, and taking shorter showers. All these little things can help us live our life more sustainably.